Business As Usual in the Banking Sector

Along with standalone projects, we’re also able to work for clients on an ongoing basis, providing extra capacity for internal pentesting teams. By way of example, we do much of the repeatable work for a particular bank, allowing their internal teams to concentrate on strategic concerns without becoming overwhelmed by time-consuming, mundane requirements, many of which arrive unannounced. 

The bank has a sensible requirement that nothing can go live without a pentest, but this often entails a simple feature change rather than a new product release, so we add the capacity to ensure delivery deadlines are met. This allows the security function to meet internal business demands and, in turn, ensures customers are protected by our client’s banking platforms. 

Whatever your sector, we can provide the same kind of support for you.

Let Mobius Binary determine whether your application, system, or network is clearly secure or not.

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